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Satellite Data
The following table details the satellite imagery available on Aurora along with details.
Name on Platform | Satellite Name | Type of Data | No. of Bands | Resolution | Revisit Frequency | Type of Bands |
Landsat-8 and 9 | Landsat 8 and Landsat 9 | Multispectral | 8 | 30m | 8 days | RGB, NIR, SWIR, THERMAL, PAN |
Sentinel-2 | Sentinel 2 (A/B) | Multispectral | 13 | 10m | 5-7 days | RGB, Rededge, NIR, SWIR |
Modis NBAR Daily | MODIS (MCD43A4) | Multispectral | 7 | 500m | 1 day | RGB, NIR, SWIR |
Pixxel-D2 | D2 | Hyperspectral | 161 | 30m | 5-7 days | RGB, NIR |
Shakuntala | Shakuntala | Hyperspectral | 150 | 10m | 7-9 days | RGB, NIR |
Sentinel-1 (RTC) | Sentinel 2 (A/B) | SAR | 2 | 10m | 5-7 days | VV, VH |
MODIS LSTE 8-Day | MODIS (MOD11A2) | Multispectral | 12 | 1KM | 8 days | LST, View time, View angle, Emissivity, Clear sky |
MODIS Surface Reflectance 8-Day | MODIS (MOD09Q1) | Multispectral | 2 | 250m | 8 days | RED, NIR |
EO-01 Hyperion | Hyperion | Hyperspectral | 220 | 30m | 16 days (decommissioned) | RGB, NIR, SWIR |