You can export your satellite imagery directly to your favourite cloud storage—whether you’re on the Order Details page (to export a full task or capture) or in the Catalog (to export a single image). This guide will walk you through both options and show you how to set up or use existing cloud stores for seamless delivery.

Where to Export From

  1. Order Details Page:
    • Perfect if you want to export all images associated with a task. For instance, if you have multiple captures under a single task, you can export them all at once.
  2. Catalog Page:
    • Ideal for exporting a single image from your Catalog. If you only need to move one capture to the cloud, this is your go-to spot.

In both places, you’ll see an “Export” button.

Export Options

When you click “Export”, you’ll have two choices:

  1. Download to Local Device:
    • Saves a .zip file to your computer, containing the image(s) with all the files that you require.
  2. Upload to Cloud Storage:
    • Lets you send the imagery directly to a cloud store—such as Google Cloud Storage (GCS), Amazon S3, or Azure Blob Storage.

Uploading to Cloud Storage

If you choose “Upload to Cloud Storage,” a dialog box will appear. Here’s what to expect:

Step 1: Select or Create a Store

  • Use a Saved Store:
    If you’ve already set up a store, just pick it from the list. We’ll send your imagery to that store right away.
  • Create a New Store:
    If you don’t have a saved store or need to add a new one, select “New Store.”

Step 2: Choose Your Cloud Provider

You can pick from major cloud platforms:

  • GCS (Google Cloud Storage)
  • Amazon S3
  • Azure Blob Storage

Each provider requires slightly different details.

Step 3: Enter Your Cloud Details

Depending on which provider you choose, fill in the required fields:

  1. Google Cloud Storage (GCS):

    • Bucket: The name of your GCS bucket.
    • Folder Path: The folder inside the bucket where you want the images to go.
    • Project ID: Your GCP project identifier.
    • Service Account Key: Credentials to authenticate with GCS.
    • Name: A friendly name for this store (for identification in Aurora).
    • Region: e.g., us-east1, us-west1, etc.
  2. Azure Blob Storage:

    • Bucket (Container): The container name where the images will be stored.
    • Folder Path: Subfolder or directory path.
    • Tenant ID, Client ID, Client Secret: Credentials for Azure authentication.
    • Account Name: Your Azure storage account name.
    • Name: A friendly name for this store (for identification in Aurora).
    • Region: e.g., East US, West US, etc.
  3. Amazon S3:

    • Bucket: The S3 bucket name.
    • Folder Path: Where in the bucket the images should go.
    • Access Key ID, Secret Access Key: Your AWS credentials.
    • Name: A friendly name for this store (for identification in Aurora).
    • Region: e.g., us-east-1, us-west-2, etc.

After filling in the details, click “Upload” to send your files to this cloud store. You can also “Save this for future orders.”

Step 4: Deliver Your Imagery

Once you select a saved store or finish creating a new one, just confirm the upload. The system will start asynchronous delivery:

  • Asynchronous means you can keep working while we handle the transfer in the background.
  • You’ll receive a notification or can check the delivery status in the specified bucket.

Key Notes

  • Exporting a Task vs. a Single Capture:
    • Order Details Page: Exporting a task means all captures for that task are delivered to the cloud. You can also choose to export a single capture from the captures tab.
    • Catalog Page: Exporting from Catalog means just that one image goes to the cloud.
  • Saved Stores:
    Once you’ve created a store, you can reuse it anytime without re-entering credentials.
  • Security:
    We recommend storing your cloud credentials securely. Only share them with people who need access to set up these deliveries.