This guide provides a quick overview of exploring satellite images and creating AOIs in Aurora. It covers key features like searching locations, drawing or uploading AOIs, selecting images from multiple constellations, using Pixxel’s heat map, customizing map layers, measuring areas, and navigating efficiently.
Dashboard Overview
Once you have created a project, you are free to roam around and try all the features provided by Aurora. Let’s discuss the foremost screen you land on when logging in. As shown below, the Explore screen comprises mainly the world map with a few buttons. Let’s discuss each of these
Search Location
The search leads you to the precise destination from which you can obtain satellite images. You can search for your preferred location by entering the geo-coordinates or by just typing the place’s name in the search bar.
You drag the map by clicking and moving the mouse in any direction to reach your destination. Once you have found the location you want satellite images for, you can close the search bar and move to the next buttons. You can also view some of your recently searched locations.
Draw or Upload AOI (Area of Interest)
Once you have selected your desired location on the map, you must define your area of interest to find relevant satellite imagery and tools. You can use the “Draw AOI” or “Upload AOI” buttons as per your requirements. If you already have a shapefile, you can upload it directly. Otherwise, you can draw an AOI polygon through the Draw AOI button.
Search Images
Aurora offers you a variety of image catalogs to select from for better visualization and, thus, analysis. You can click on the “Search Images” button to have a look at available images for the AOI which you have drawn or uploaded. You can find images from Pixxel Constellations as well as some widely used constellations such as Sentinel, MODIS, etc.
Pixxel Images Heat Map
Pixxel satellite constellations provide you with high-end satellite imagery.
Therefore, we have given this option, which helps you locate all the Pixxel satellite images as a heat map view.
Just zoom out the map and the pointers on the explore map will show where you can find Pixxel images. Once you know this, you can draw an AOI over the pin-pointers or just click the pointers to use these images for further analysis.
Map Layer
In Aurora, you can find various map styles which you can explore to improve your visual or practical experience. You get an option to view your explore screens in three map styles. By default, you will see a dark streets map, but you can customize the map style as you like and use it. You will get an option to choose from:
- Streets Map: This is just a physical map showing boundaries and names of locations.
- Satellite Map: This enriched map view shows the geography of all landscapes.
Measure Area
Use this feature to measure the area under a polygon. Click on the Measure Area button, and you will be able to draw a polygon on the map. The minimum number of points to draw a polygon is three. This is a free-hand lasso tool to help you draw better and measure the slightest area. This will help you confirm the area details of a certain location, which can let you plan better.
Navigation Tools
You can find these tools on the bottom right of the screen. These help you locate your cursor on the map as well as help you navigate better on the map.
- Current Location: You can use this button to locate your device’s position on the Map.
- Zoom: The ➕ and ➖ buttons can be used to zoom in and out of the map, respectively.
- Compass: The compass sets the direction of the map to face north, which helps you read the map better.
- Geo-Coordinates: You can find the geo-coordinates of your cursor when you hover it over the map.