We have made Aurora for everyone, but more importantly, for everything in one place. Projects provide better management and traceability of all your work on Aurora. You can collaborate, analyze, and isolate data in a real-time and efficient way.

To create your first project

  1. Go to the Projects tab on the left sidebar of Aurora’s main screen.
  2. A screen pop-up will appear, as shown below.
  3. Click on the Add Project button to create a new project.
  4. Afterwards, add a ‘Project Title’ and ‘Project Name’(Slug) to differentiate it from others. Don’t worry you can edit it later, too.

Note: The Project Name can only include numbers, letters, hyphens (-), and underscores (_).

  1. Click on Create Project to start working on your new project.

Adding members to a project

The main function of creating projects is to manage the work and collaborate on that. Adding members to a project help in collaboration over a project where the project members are able to access the work of that specific project only. To add members to a project follow the instructions below:

  1. Under the Projects tab, you would see the list of projects created by you.
  2. Choose the Project in which you want to add members and navigate to members tab.
  3. Find the Add Member button on the right and click on it.
  4. You can see a list of your organization members, type the email of the new member you wish to add and select.
  5. If you want to add an entire team to the project, click on Add team to project given below the list.
  6. Make sure you are Project owner or you would not be able to add members.
  7. You can also remove a member by clicking on the three dots given on the right side of member’s name.

Updating or Deleting a project

As mentioned earlier, you can edit your project details if you are the project owner and apart from that, you can also delete your project if that is not of your use now. Given below are the details on how to update and delete a project:

Updating a Project:

  1. Navigate to the Projects tab on Aurora’s main screen.
  2. Select the project you wish to update.
  3. Change the Project Title and/or Project Name as needed.
  4. Click Update Project to save the changes.

Deleting a Project:

  1. Access the Projects tab on Aurora’s main screen.
  2. Choose the project you intend to delete.
  3. Click on Delete Project at the bottom of the pop-up.
  4. We require an extra verification step where you need to type the project name.
  5. Confirm by clicking Delete this Project. This action is irreversible.

Note: Please consider carefully before deleting a project. Once deleted, all associated Areas of Interest (AOIs), workflows, and related details will be irretrievably removed. This action is irreversible and final.