Once you’ve placed and fulfilled orders—whether they’re tasking or archive orders—the images you’ve purchased will appear in your Catalog. Think of the Catalog as your personal library of delivered imagery, where you can browse, search, and download the images you own.

What is the Catalog?

The Catalog is a centralized location that stores all of your purchased images in one place. It includes:

  • Tasking Captures: Freshly captured images from single or recurring tasking orders.
  • Archive Images: Pre-existing satellite imagery you’ve ordered from our archives.

By unifying all your imagery in one easy-to-access dashboard, the Catalog simplifies how you manage, download, and analyze your data.

Although orders are project level resource, the image catalog remains common for all the members of the organization.

Navigating the Catalog

When you open the Catalog from the main menu, you’ll see a list of your delivered images. Each entry typically shows:

  • Catalog ID & Name: A unique identifier or a descriptive name for the image.
  • Capture Date: When the image was captured.
  • Additional Metadata: Such as capture date, resolution, or sensor details.

You can sort and filter these entries to quickly find the imagery you need.

Viewing Image Details

Click on any catalog entry to see more information:

  • Image Overview: A quick summary of capture details, including the date, sensor, and any special parameters (like off-nadir angle).
  • Export Options: How to retrieve the image or deliver it to a cloud store.
  • Associated Order: A link back to the original order that produced this image.

Downloading Images

Once an image is in your Catalog, you have several ways to get it onto your local machine or a preferred storage location:

  • Direct Download: If the system has generated a direct download link, you can simply click “Download” to save the zipped imagery package (GeoTIFF, thumbnails, metadata, etc.) to your computer.
  • Delivery to Cloud Stores: If you have set up Stores (like Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage), you can create a delivery request to automatically send the imagery to that destination.