The Cart is where you temporarily store your imagery orders—whether they’re single tasking, archive items, or recurring captures—before finalizing and placing them. Think of it like an online shopping cart: you add items you’re interested in, review them, and proceed to checkout when you’re ready.

Why a Cart?

  • Convenience: You can add multiple orders or image strips (from tasking or archives) to your cart, compare costs, and finalize everything in one go.
  • Draft Stage: Items in your cart remain in “draft” status until you actually check out. This means you can freely modify, remove, or add more items before paying.

How to Add Items to the Cart

  1. Order Creation (Tasking or Archive):
    • After specifying your Area of Interest (AOI) and other parameters (like off-nadir angle, cloud cover, etc.), click “Add to Cart”.
    • For archive items, once you select an image strip you want to purchase, you’ll see an “Add to Cart” option as well.
  2. Review Feasibility (Tasking Only):
    • For tasking orders, you might see a “Check Feasibility” button before adding to cart. If the system deems your capture feasible (based on cloud cover, off-nadir, scheduling), you can then add it to the cart.
  3. Multiple Items:
    • You can repeat this process to add multiple single tasking orders, archived strips, or recurring orders.

Cart is a user level feature i.e. If you have added a few orders to the cart, your colleague who is a part of the organization and same project too, won’t be able to see those orders.

Inside the Cart

Once items are in the cart:

  • Draft Status:
    All cart items are considered “draft” orders. You can:
    • Modify an item’s parameters (like changing the AOI or cloud cover setting).
    • Remove items you no longer want.
  • Feasibility Window:
    The Feasibility check is generally valid upto 6 hours. If the order was added to cart when it was feasible, it is possible that it may become unfeasible after 6 hours and then you will not be able to place the order from the cart.
  • Cost Summary:
    You’ll see a total cost or token requirement for the items in your cart, including any price uplifts for expedited delivery or lower cloud cover.

Checking Out

When you’re satisfied with everything in your cart:

  1. Click “Checkout”:
    The system will confirm feasibility (for tasking) and availability (for archives) for all items in your cart.
  2. Payment:
    The required tokens will be deducted from your wallet. If there are not enough tokens in your wallet, you can add more from the cart screen only.
  3. Order Creation:
    • Once payment is successful, each item in the cart is converted into an Order (or part of a combined order if you have multiple items).

Common Cart Scenarios

  • Single Tasking/Archive:
    If you only have one item in your cart, you’ll finalize that as a single order upon checkout.
  • Recurring Orders:
    You might add a recurring tasking order to the cart alongside single orders or archive items. Each becomes its own order after checkout.
  • Modifications or Deletions:
    Need to change the AOI or remove an item? No worries—just edit or remove items from the cart before checking out.