Organization settings are vital for administrators to customize Aurora according to their unique requirements. This section guides you on adding members, creating teams, and adjusting organization-specific details.

Accessing Settings:

  • Find the organization settings via the top left icon on the Aurora screen, symbolizing your organization.


This section can be used by only the Organization Owners and Admins. Owners have the rights to Update Org Name, Org URL and Delete the organization but the Organization Admin can not Delete the organization. However, organization members do not have permission to access anything on this tab.

Note: Deleting the organization permanently removes all files. Ensure you want to proceed before deletion.

Roles in Aurora

Implementing roles enhances security by preventing unauthorized access and limiting sensitive information exposure. It streamlines collaboration with a structured hierarchy and task delegation, ensuring efficient workflow.

The system promotes clear accountability by assigning specific responsibilities to each role, ultimately reducing ambiguity and enhancing overall organizational effectiveness. Here’s how each role contributes to the platform’s effectiveness:

Refer to the User Roles


Aurora is a collaborative platform where you can invite your organization members to streamline communication, enhance collaboration, and ensure everyone has access to the relevant information within the organization.

  1. As the organization owner, navigate to the Members section in your organization settings.
  2. Use the Invite People option to invite individuals by email.
  3. Input the email addresses of those you wish to invite and assign them specific roles (as previously described). Additionally, you have the option to assign invitees to particular teams during this process.
  4. Once the members are added, they will have access to the organization’s shared workspace, enabling them to collaborate on and contribute to various projects.


You can learn more about Projects here


An organization has various teams to maintain hierarchy as well as structure in the organization. This structuring can be done on Aurora as well. You can create different teams, assign roles, and add to different projects directly. You can follow the steps:

  1. Teams can be created by Organization Admin or Organization Owners only. To create go to Org Settings.
  2. Find the Teams tab in organization settings and click on the Add Team button.
  3. You’ll be prompted to add a ‘Team Title’ and ‘Team Name’(Slug) to differentiate it from others. Don’t worry you can edit it later, too. Note that the Project Name can only include numbers, letters, hyphens (-), and underscores (_).
  4. Add the details and click on Create Team.

Adding members to a team:

  1. Under the Teams tab, you will see the list of teams created by you.
  2. Choose the team to which you want to add members and navigate to the members tab.
  3. Find the Add Member button on the right and click on it.
  4. You can see a list of your organization members, type the email of the new member you wish to add, and select.
  5. You can also remove a member by clicking on the three dots given on the right side of the member’s name.


This tab helps you whitelist domains so that anyone with an email address at these domains is allowed to sign up for your workspace. You need to invite people from that domain again and again to join your organization. The process is quite simple but a bit technical.

  1. Go to the Security tab inside the organization settings panel.
  2. Click on the Add Domain button and write your company’s email domain.
  1. Aurora’s team needs to verify this domain but before that, you need to ask your IT team to “Create a TXT record in your DNS configuration for the hostname” The hostname will be written on the screen.

    Note: Wait until your DNS configuration changes. This could take up to 72 hours to propagate.

  2. Once done, Aurora team will verify the email domain and your co-workers can join your organization directly.


In this tab, you can view your billing and invoice details and update your billing details.


Check out the different subscription plans and features offered against each of them here