Create and Join Organization
This guide outlines the steps to create or join an organization in Aurora. It covers setting up organization details, inviting members, and accepting invitations to collaborate efficiently.
Create an Organization
- After verification, you’ll land on the Organizations screen.
- To create a new organization, click on ➕ Create Organization.
- Now, you would be required to fill in the necessary details for your organization setup.
- Organization Name: This will help the people you have invited to join your organization to find the organization. This feature comes in handy when you have multiple organizations on Aurora.
- Organization URL: Create a personalized organization URL to uniquely represent your brand and provide members with a direct and easy-to-remember link to access your organization’s dedicated space. Only numbers, letters, ’-’, and ’_’ are allowed in the Organization URL
- Company Size: Informing us of your organization’s size enables us to tailor the platform experience to your needs. Whether you’re a startup, a mid-sized company, or an enterprise, this information helps us provide features and scalability that align with the dynamics of your business.
- Company Type: Providing your company type allows us to customize features to suit your specific industry needs. Whether you’re in tech, healthcare, or finance, our platform adapts to enhance your organizational workflows, ensuring a tailored and industry-relevant experience.
- Contact Email: This email will be the primary point of contact between team Aurora and the organization owner for organization specific as well as Aurora updates, ensuring as the primary channel for important updates, notifications, and collaboration efforts, ensuring that all members stay informed and engaged.
- On submitting the details, your organization will be created and you will be landed on the explore screen to start your journey.
Join an Organization
- The organization owner needs to send invites to people for them to be able to join the organization.
- Once you have the invite follow the Sign-up process and you’ll get a screen with a list of all the organizations you have been invited to.
- Click Join to become a member or Open to access an already joined organization.
Note: Organization invites expire in 7 days, so join promptly.