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Search for STAC items according to attributes of the item
Only features that have a geometry that intersects the bounding box are selected. The bounding box is provided as four numbers:
Lower left corner, coordinate axis 1 Lower left corner, coordinate axis 2 Upper right corner, coordinate axis 1 Upper right corner, coordinate axis 2 The coordinate reference system of the values is WGS84 longitude/latitude ( unless a different coordinate reference system is specified in the parameter bbox-crs.
For WGS84 longitude/latitude the values are in most cases the sequence of minimum longitude, minimum latitude, maximum longitude and maximum latitude. However, in cases where the box spans the antimeridian the first value (west-most box edge) is larger than the third value (east-most box edge).
If a feature has multiple spatial geometry properties, it is the decision of the server whether only a single spatial geometry property is used to determine the extent or all relevant geometries.
Example: The bounding box of the New Zealand Exclusive Economic Zone in WGS 84 (from 160.6°E to 170°W and from 55.95°S to 25.89°S) would be represented in JSON as [160.6, -55.95, -170, -25.89] and in a query as bbox=160.6,-55.95,-170,-25.89
[3, 4, 5, 6]
Array of Collection IDs to include in the search for items. Only Item objects in one of the provided collections will be searched.
Either a date-time or an interval, open or closed. Date and time expressions adhere to RFC 3339. Open intervals are expressed using double-dots.
A date-time: "2018-02-12T23:20:50Z" A closed interval: "2018-02-12T00:00:00Z/2018-03-18T12:31:12Z" Open intervals: "2018-02-12T00:00:00Z/.." or "../2018-03-18T12:31:12Z" Only features that have a temporal property that intersects the value of datetime are selected.
If a feature has multiple temporal properties, it is the decision of the server whether only a single temporal property is used to determine the extent or all relevant temporal properties.
pointGeoJSON (object) or multipointGeoJSON (object) or linestringGeoJSON (object) or multilinestringGeoJSON (object) or polygonGeoJSON (object) or multipolygonGeoJSON (object) or geometrycollectionGeoJSON (object) (geometryGeoJSON) The optional intersects parameter filters the result Items in the same was as bbox, only with a GeoJSON Geometry rather than a bbox.
a query object to search/filter according to the properites of the stac-item
"query": { "cloudcover": { "gt": 0, "lt": 10 }, "bands": { "eq": [ "RGB", "B001", "B002" ] } },
a sortby object to sort the items by the properties of the stac-item "sortby": [ { "field": "properties->>'datetime'", "direction": "desc" } ]