What is a Store?

A Store is a configuration that specifies where your imagery should be delivered to cloud. When you set up a store, you define the target cloud service and the destination path. This enables automated delivery of your images directly from our platform to your preferred storage location.

Supported Cloud Providers

Our platform supports multiple cloud storage services to suit different needs. Some of the key supported clouds include:

  • Amazon S3:
    Use S3 buckets for scalable and durable object storage.
    • Configuration: Provide your S3 bucket name and path.
  • Google Cloud Storage (GCS):
    Utilize GCS for secure, highly available storage.
    • Configuration: Specify the GCS bucket and the desired destination path.
  • Microsoft Azure Blob Storage:
    Store your imagery in Azure Blob Storage for reliable cloud storage with global reach.
    • Configuration: Set your container name and directory path.

Key API Endpoints for Stores

1. Create a Store

Create a new store configuration to enable automatic or manual image delivery to cloud buckets.

  • Endpoint: POST /v0/stores

2. List Stores

Retrieve a list of all stores configured under your organization. This helps you verify that your delivery destinations are set up correctly.

  • Endpoint: GET /v0/stores

3. Delete a Store

Remove a store configuration that is no longer needed.

  • Endpoint: DELETE /v0/stores/{id}

How Stores Integrate with Delivery

Once your store is configured, you can use it with the Delivery endpoints:

  • Create Delivery Request:
    When creating a delivery, you specify the store by providing the config (store ID) and the path. This tells our system where to send your images once they are ready.
  • Automatic Delivery:
    Your store configuration ensures that, as soon as imagery is delivered to your catalog, it is automatically pushed to your specified cloud storage.